FCCISL asks to desist from violence, urges the Gov to address the shortage of power and energy
2 min read
FCCISL is highly concerned about the mass unrest and certain violent activities that took place, last week.
FCCISL is of the view that these new developments would not help the country solve any of the issues
faced by the business community and instead, it will further aggravate the degenerating economic
environment causing further loss of business confidence, investor interest, export income,
productivity etc.
Even though we saw the revival of inbound tourism by end of 2021 the travel advice (high risk – caution) already issued for travelers to Sri Lanka by several countries again indicates a bleak future for us.
FCCISL has received a record number of inquiries from its corresponding overseas chambers, especially
on issues related to sectors such as energy, food security, logistics etc. FCCISL also received hundreds
of complaints from its membership across the country on the following matters.
(a) The acute shortage of diesel to run their factories both for exports and for local production.
(b) Transportation of goods is disrupted for hours since the transport fleet of logistic providers is
waiting in the queue at fuel stations.
(c) Shortage of containers and high freight cost
(d)Inability to clear containers at the port due to foreign currency constraints at banks.
(e)Non-availability and high cost of raw materials.
In the circumstances as a matter of urgency and significance FCCISL wish to propose the government
of Sri Lanka to consider following proposals
(1)If the shortage of fuel is expected to continue in the future too Its prudent to draft a more realistic
date plan regarding the distribution of fuel (especially diesel) to industries island-wide and inform
industrialists through trade chambers and divisional secretariats.
(2) We request the government to develop a mechanism to ensure uninterrupted fuel supply to
logistics operators.
(3) We request the government to set up 24-hour hotlines handled by responsible officers at
ministries covering major sectors to receive enquiries/complaints.
( 4) we request the government to give the first priority to procure products and services wherever
possible from SMEs’ in the country and to pay suppliers on time. We also propose to establish a
Procurement charter for SMEs at government agencies.
(5) Government has to issue a well-structured and realistic recovery plan for the country and to
appoint competent professionals to execute for better results. The same plan can be disseminated to
the Sri Lankan business community and to world capitals through Sri Lankan missions abroad to instill
confidence in international markets.
Finally, FCCISL would like to request the nation to shed differences of opinion and support such a well-
structured and realistic recovery plan to rebuild the economy.