October 18, 2024

Only 3% of Sri Lankans think the Country headed in right direction – IHP

2 min read

Three out of four Sri Lankan adults (75%) said that the country is heading in the wrong in April
2024 while almost none (3%) said it was on the right track., , according to Institute for Health Policy (IHP) Sri Lanka, a Colombo-based independent, non-partisan research center.

The number of people who say the country is heading in the right direction has remained at low levels accounting for less than 10% since SLOTS started polling this in early 2022

SLOTS polls the public’s outlook on the overall direction of the country by asking people: “Would you say things in the country are headed in the right direction or the wrong direction?”. Respondents are also allowed not to answer or to say they “Don’t know” or are “Not sure”. The percentages saying the country is moving in the right or wrong directions is based on all those who were interviewed, so numbers for right and wrong tracks will not sum to 100% because of don’t knows and refusals.

A comparison of IHP SLOTS estimates for Sri Lanka with other countries shows that Sri Lankans are more likely to think the country is headed in the wrong direction than in any other country. In March-April 2024, a global average of 64% of adults polled in 29 countries by Ipsos thought their country was headed in the wrong direction compared with 96% in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka’s estimates for this comparison were adjusted by excluding don’t knows and refusals from the denominator when computing the percentages to ensure comparability with the Ipsos
estimates for other countries.

The April 2024 estimates are based on 436 interviews, with estimates adjusted to match the Sri Lankan population for age, sex, education level, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, religion, geographical location, and sector.

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