Sri Lanka – Pakistan Business Council strengthens
bilateral ties at ‘My Karachi Trade Fair’
2 min read

Sri Lanka – Pakistan Business Council (SLPBC) of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce consolidated trade ties with Pakistan at the ‘My Karachi Trade Fair’, held in Karachi, Pakistan from 2 nd – 6 th March.
Organized by the SLPBC in collaboration with the Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Karachi, the business promotion mission participated in several trade-related discussions as well as B2B meetings, facilitated by the Sri Lankan Consulate together with the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), Pakistan – Sri Lanka Business Forum (PSLBF) and the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and
Industry (FPCCI).
The SLPBC also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with its counterpart in Pakistan, the PSLBF, witnessed by a large number of Karachi-based business conglomerates, at a networking session organized by Jagath Abeywarna, Consul General for Sri Lanka in Karachi.
President of the SLPBC. S. Deivanayagam said that the Council would act as a springboard to minimize the impact of the economic challenges, including the dollar shortage, that both countries are currently facing, and requested that the authorities in Pakistan work towards resolving the issues faced by exporters from Sri Lanka to Pakistan, as most of the items exported are essential commodities. He also invited the
KCCI, PSLBF, and the FPCCI to organize business promotion missions to Sri Lanka in order to explore the many business and investment opportunities available. The delegation comprised Mr. Somasundaram Deivanayagam, Managing Director
Eswaran Brothers Exports (Pvt) Ltd. who is also the President of the SLPBC, Indhra Kaushal Rajapaksa, Chairman, Kalhari Group/Vice President of SLPBC, Rohitha Thilakaratne, Managing Director and Ms. Upendrika Jayasundera, General Manager of Merchant Lanka Pvt Ltd., Indika Rajapaksa, Chief Operating Officer and Jude Fernando, Director of Rhino Roofing Products Ltd., Firoz Anver, Managing
Director, Creative Textile Mill (Pvt) Ltd., Lahiru Jayasinghe, Chief Operating Officer and Sathiyadeva Thilakshan, Head of Project Sales of St. Anthony’s Industries Group (Pvt) Ltd. and Lilakshi de Mel, Senior Assistant Secretary General of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce.