Colombo Bourse ends the final day of trading in 2023 in the green
1 min read
Colombo Bourse ended in the green for consecutive days for the first time in over 2 weeks and thus concluded the final day of trading for the year 2023.
Once again, the banking counters such as Commercial Bank and Hatton National Bank (HNB) performed well and carried the index to the green zone. APSI was volatile for the majority of today’s session but picked up towards the latter part of the session ending at 10,654, 28 points higher than yesterday. COMB, HNB, and RICH were the biggest positive contributors to the index whereas SEMB, SPEN, and JKH were the largest negative contributors. Turnover was recorded at Rs.642.4Mn which is 47% lower than the average monthly turnover of Rs.1.2Bn. Foreign investors remained net buyers with a net foreign inflow of Rs. 21.1Mn.